Anil P fitness Blog




The Power of the Mind: The Power of the Reticular Activating System

The Reticular Activating System (RAS) is a network of neurons located in the brainstem that plays a crucial role in controlling arousal and alertness. It is responsible for modulating the activity of other neural systems, allowing the brain to focus on certain stimuli...

Barbell or Dumbbell Training? Is one better than the other?

When it comes to strength training, barbells and dumbbells are two of the most popular pieces of equipment. Both are effective for building muscle and strength, but there are some differences between the two. Knowing the pros and cons of each can help you decide which...

Not sure how to approach your weight loss nutrition? Start Here!

If you are looking to shed some extra pounds, it is important to focus on eating foods that are high in nutrition and low in calories. Eating the right kinds of foods can help you lose weight while still providing your body with the energy, vitamins, and minerals it...

What is a Calorie?

A calorie is a unit of energy. Calories are commonly used to measure the amount of energy in food and beverages. Calories are essential for our bodies to function. They give us the fuel we need to stay active and think clearly. When we consume more calories than we...

Stimulate, Not Annihilate!

The concept of “stimulate, not annihilate” is especially pertinent to bodybuilding. Bodybuilding is a sport that is often seen as a competition of destruction and annihilation. The goal of bodybuilding is often to build the biggest and strongest muscles possible, and...

Yoga = More Gainz

YOGA = MORE GAINZ Yes, Yoga will indeed make you grow more Muscle and make you Stronger. How?... In order to understand how this works, we first must break down the nervous system and its role in the Muscle/Strength building process. Lets breakdown how Muscle...

Training vs Exercise

Training vs Exercise - Benefits of having a trainer These terms seem to be interchanged a lot, however they are quite different, lets define both terms: Training: accumulated and specific stress adaptations that produce specific and desired result, goal is to get...

Flexible Dieting

The term Diet gets tossed around alot and has a negative connotation around it, so let's define what the term “diet” means. A “diet” is simply defined as food that is regularly consumed on a habitual basis. So where does the negative connotation come from? When...

Mood Benefits of Working Out

Why Working Out Makes You Feel amazing! No matter what your goals are, we can all agree that we feel better after a workout, why is that? Exercising helps produce endorphins and other things such as dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. These brain chemicals play...

How to Heal Your Low Back Pain

How to fix the lower back pain epidemic! Alright, I'm gonna say it. LOWER BACK PAIN IS NOT COMPLICATED FOR MOST PEOPLE. I'm talking to the majority of people, your lower back pain can be easily fixed in a matter of weeks/months with one thing... Wait for it… WALKING!...